Our Water Is Under Threat
Demand a Moratorium on the Extension of the Gravel Pit in Tiny, Ontario.
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Who we are
We are a diverse group of grass roots organizations working to protect our water
FoTTSA, The Council of Canadians, AWARE Simcoe, The Friends of the Waverley Uplands, Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition, neighbours of the Teedon Pit, and many individuals concerned about damage to the aquifer.
join the fight
Help Keep Our Water Clean
We’re fighting against the extension of the Teedon Gravel Pit and its potential to pollute our drinking water.
A grant proposal to do a study on our water is currently in progress. But we need a moratorium on the extension of the Teedon gravel pits until the study is complete.
We can’t risk any more damage to the water like evidence of silt to progress further. The time is now for a moratorium.
Our water has been described as the purest water ever tested but it’s under threat. We have an opportunity of a lifetime to protect this sacred resource and we only have one chance to do it. Once our water is polluted it could cause irreversible damage. Join us in the fight to protect our water.
Silt has also been briefly observed recently in the well water at the water kiosk on County Road 27, just north of Elmvale.
The current pit owners appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (formerly OMB) because of the Township’s failure to amend its Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to allow for the extension of the pit above the aquifer. FoTTSA has been granted party status in the appeal.
Protection of drinking water is so important in this case that lawyers with the Canadian Environmental Law Association agreed to represent FoTTSA.
FoTTSA needs to raise at least $100,000 to cover all the other legal costs including hiring expert witnesses.
Get the Facts
We’re fighting against the extension of the Teedon Gravel Pit and the renewal of its permit to take water to wash gravel.
This gravel pit is in Tiny Township in Ontario, Canada over the aquifer that supplies pure water for much of North Simcoe and beyond and was threatened over 10 years ago by the proposal to establish Dump Site 41.
Residents near the Teedon gravel pit, who rely on groundwater because there is no municipal water system in their part of Tiny Township, began reporting silt in their wells, local streams and springs soon after the Teedon Pit expanded in 2008-2009, though the connection between the pit operation and the impacts on wells is disputed by the province and the pit owner.
The Gravel Company
The company that owns the Teedon Pit, CRH Canada (which owns Dufferin) wants to extend the Teedon Gravel Pit. The Sarjeant Company has a license to dig two new gravel pits in Concession 1 above the Alliston Aquifer and to extract gravel below the water table at one of them.
Extraction Has Increased
Aggregate extraction (gravel and sand pits) in Tiny Township has increased by more than 60% since 2000. We don't need more gravel.
Environmental Risks
In addition to the potential environmental risks posed by the extraction and washing of gravel so close to the aquifer, the pit running at capacity could mean 40 trucks an hour coming in and out of Tiny Township.
hear from locals
What they say

Bonnie PauzÉ
30-Year Resident of Tiny
This aquifer has been proven to be [some of] the world's cleanest water. And how many places in the world can you find that? We should be celebrating that. Not fighting to protect it.

Mike Powell, PhD.
This water has been determined to be the cleanest water yet described on the surface of the Earth. They said it's the only water in which we can find no fingerprint of human beings. We will be doing the first study of its type to show whether that's true or not. And in the meantime, while you try to get that data, please keep the water safe. We need to protect the water.
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If you're as passionate about clean water as we are, we need your help to win our fight against The Sargeant Company who could be polluting our water. Sign up below to demand a moratorium so we can protect our water.
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Our Commitment to Reconciliation
We acknowledge that Tiny Township is situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg. We are dedicated to honouring Indigenous history, culture, and committed to moving forward in reconciliation, respect, and partnership, with all First Nations, Métis and Inuit.